Image of 17 people at SPACE4 for the launch in November 2023

Islington is one of the UK’s most unequal boroughs. Gentrification means that the costs of workspace is going up, pricing out some smaller local businesses. To counteract this trend, Islington Council decided to invest in a programme of securing longterm affordable workspace, that would provide employability and business growth opportunities.

We were already operating SPACE4 in Finsbury Park, but we didn’t have a secure long-term lease. In 2019 we successfully bid for the contract to operate Islington’s first Affordable Workspace. We continue to work in close partnership with Islington, to deliver workspace and support their strategic aims more widely.

SPACE4 is helping Islington to ensure affordable workspace by / delivering affordable workspace in Islington (by):

The impact of our work so far has included: