About us

who we are

We’re an inclusive social impact and tech-focused workspace, located in a fantastic neighbourhood. We regularly host public events and workshops that develop skills, knowledge, and networks.

Our staff team proactively seeks to generate paid work for our members, and to support each business in the space to grow sustainably.

We also share our knowledge with other organisations who are interested in establishing impactful place-based communities. Get in touch if you’d like to know more about what we do and how we can share ideas.

SPACE4 runs on cooperative values and principles

As a worker-coop SPACE4 embeds cooperative values in everything we do. That means that everyone using the space actively contributes according to their abilities to make it a positive working environment and a socially impactful project. In turn, we hope that SPACE4 is more than just a work and events space, but a community resource that everyone involved benefits from. 

I think it’s nice to have a community that’s expected to all pitch in. It feels like you have more of a say in terms of how things are run. The members meetings are really nice from that standpoint. To me that just felt like you were actually more of a community than soulless places where maybe there’s a happy hour or whatever but people just show up, do their work and leave.

Sheridan Kates, Degrowth and Modern Monetary Theory Student and Activis

I really love the space because it’s got a familial vibe. It’s very personal and genuine, and in that sense it feels very cooperative.

– Tim Minshall, Repowering London

The Team

Maddy Neghabian

Polly Robbins

Natasha Natarajan

our members + workspace users

Planet B logo
Founders and Coders
People's Economy
Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign
High Pay Centre
Good Praxis
Open Rights Group Logo
Finite The Film Logo
Wings logo
Soda Visual logo
Woodburner logo
From Rehab to Life Logo
Yalla Cooperative Logo
Axle Logo
Go Free Range Logo
Paul Bragman Community & Economic Regeneration Consultants
Fait and Violence against Women and Girls Coalition

our alumni + Friends

We’re also lucky to be associated with a wider community of organisations. They’ve either been based in our space, supported by us, or have collaborated with us in one way or another.

open data services logo
Breakthrough logo
Autonomy logo
Jarrow Insights Logo
Studio61 logo
Centre for Progressive Change logo
Care International Logo
Degrowth London logo


SPACE4 is part of Outlandish, a worker co-op that builds technology  for progressive social causes. We set the space up in 2017 with the aim of building a co-operative, inclusive and anti-capitalist community. 

Since opening, our community has grown from strength to strength, hosting a wide range of events and progressive organisations. In 2018 Founders and Coders, a free and socially-oriented coding school, joined, and continues to be a key anchor tenant to this day.

In 2019 we moved up the road to a bigger and better space, thanks to Islington Council and their support for co-operatives and democratic ownership

Via SPACE4 and projects like Cooperate Islington we’re supporting Community Wealth Building projects, and helping to scale local, ethical supply chains. We helping other organisations like Camden Disability Action to establish meaningful place-based communities, and make the most of their resources. We plan to expand SPACE4 to new locations in London and beyond, and collaborate with like minded folks. 

We’ve learnt a lot on our journey so far, and we are happy to share this knowledge with others.  Get in touch if you’d like to collaborate. 

…when you arrive in this space, it’s obviously the mission and the theme and the nature of the space kind of embody something that I’m very inspired by, a sort of vision for tomorrow. There’s like activism, but there’s also like hope and like trying to build new things, I like that mix. It’s very easy for me to get sucked into doom and gloom. So it’s inspiring to have somewhere like this where you’re like, okay, people are trying to build new ways of working…

– John Ridpath, London Undergrowth

Partners & Funders

Find out the best way to get here on our Visit Us page.

Hire one of our members

If you are looking for a cooperative, freelancer or small business to work on a project then get in touch. With a community of more than 50 people, mainly in the digital and creative sectors, we can help you find the right person for the job.

Get in touch

Learn more about impactful workspace

SPACE4 provides consultancy to anyone interested in learning from our experience of establishing and operating a workspace. We work with businesses, councils and community groups.

Get in touch